Sense of vulnerability is common across genders, but it's often associated as a feminine emotion. Often the male gender, doesn't recognise it or they don't give due recognition to it, because its feminine in nature. But this emotion runs deep inside everyone, and its often deeply personal.
This world of ours often judges us, more so on women, and their sense of vulnerability runs far more deeper than men. For one to understand this, one has to come to terms with their own imperfections, for that is when they can be open to others, and be willing to accept others imperfections.

Colours and lighting play a huge role in expressing the emotion accurately. It tends to set the mood and the feel, we would like to project. The above versions express different moods, even if it's subtle, the ability to convey vulnerability lies in one of them.
Special thanks to Russian Photographer Borisov, for the photograph which gave me the inspiration to take up this complicated subject.