One of the most beautiful and positive gesture we humans have is our smile. A smile can convey a million unsaid words, words that can't be expressed verbally. There are so many different kinds of smile, a sly smile, a fake smile, a loud expressive smile, a mocking smile, a bright smile, and many more, but there is a world of difference, when someone smiles, even a little, with such genuineness and when we feel that genuineness, we feel their emotion. That to me, is Euphoria.
The way we express happiness, needn't be very loud, outrageous and bright, filled with all rainbow colours, it can be subtle, limited and satisfying as well. This was something I wanted to capture. The bubbles present in these two versions felt like it was an overkill, and wasn't capturing the smile. Thus, I chose to go with the version without the bubbles.
Also, I must thank Mr. Alessio Albi, a Spanish Photographer, for the wonderful click he made and I took that photo as the reference for my character and the lighting. 

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