Our past, our present and our future, revolves around the concept of love, for it is the most powerful emotion present within us. The form changes over years, but love just keeps evolving.
Everyone of us, will have stories of love, be it the love for your parents, or the love for poor stray dogs, or the love for your fellow humans, or the love for your life partner. This emotion is universal.
There are people, who still relate and equate love to sex, love to relationships, love with equal expectations, love that is perfect, love is crap, love is bullshit, etc. etc.
But No, I disagree to all the above types, for I believe love is imperfect and it is meant to be like that. Nothing is ideal in this world, for ideal state doesn't exist in reality, in nature. The world keeps changing everyday, it evolves everyday. It doesn't remain the same. It evolves for good or for bad. Love is very similar in that way. If our intentions are good, the love evolves good, if its bad, it evolves bad. Love is evolutionary.
Love has many sides, many faces, it is limitless, it has no boundaries and it is as random as it can get, but one thing we can feel assured is, it is a powerful emotion, an emotion which will continue to exist forever, and it is up to us whether to reject it or to embrace it to our fullest capacity.